Friday 14 June 2019

Radio Stars in the making

The Supplementary School now has a new Co-ordinator, since mid-May 2019. Rob Mitchell has come from a background of media education, with Firstborn Studios, Black Pyramid Film and Video Project and years of working as a Media Producer and Educator in Bristol, where he learned the craft of using arts and media (film, radio, music, photography, animation) as a way of getting young people and whole communities interested and engaged in issues and learning.

Rob is a Film-maker, Spoken-word artist and Performer.

He co-produced a feature documentary with Loraine Blumenthal about Bristol Mayor, Marvin Rees and his bid for power. The Mayors Race (2018) was made over six years and tells a story about a man, from the ghetto, who aspires to make a difference in the world, believing he can do this as Mayor of the city.  But what role does his 'race' and identity play in Bristol?

As Suppplementary School Coordinator, Rob follows in the footsteps of  Emma, Mark and Michelle, with the aim of keeping creativity, culture, identity and heritage at the centre of the Saturday School.

His overall aim is to keep sessions fun but challenging,  recognising the importance of a having a space like our Saturday School to do different types of learning.

On Saturday 8th June 2019, the Saturday School's involvement in Imeperial Voice Radio meant that the group has made history by producing the first live show on the station . Prior to this, the new, online station, connected to Farifield House in Bath, has been working with pre-recorded material. - new online radio
After a nervous start, the group loosened up to get happily into their new roles as radio presenters. Following some self-evaluation, there are plans afoot to improve on that first attempt, with techniques and team-working skills that will help them to quicky become radio pros. For a flavour of the new show, creatively named - Peanut Butter and Chocolate on Toast, please listen on Soundcloud. While lisening to , you can also hear broadcasts of  our programme amidst the diverse range of content.

 Rob hopes for the group to build on their first steps and make radio an integral part of their creative, fun and community-connected learning experience.

Faifield House, Bath.  home of new radio station